Yeah, so much for that evangelistic breakthrough.
After being caught in an interstellar storm of gamma rays, this post acquired the power to make people laugh at near supersonic levels, and was quickly recruited for the international superhero league, Humor-Blogs.com!
Oh wonderful, you too could hit a hole in one, you just need a set of God's balls...
St. Jude, that sounded...naughty.
This is a joke, right? Right? It HAS to be.
You know, this would make more sense if the balls were marked with the seven deadly sins or something.
Gluttony! WHACK!
Sloth! WHACK!
It would still be kitsch tho.
This post took some balls.
Is this for real? Please tell me that it's a joke. Even if it's not, tell me it is.
Uh...yeah. Sure, yup. It's all one big, fat, kitschy joke.
Yup. I always take a few of these with me to the driving range, so they get mixed into the buckets. 5 employees at the range and 2 other golfers have found Christ because of them--and all without me having to say a word!
I like to call 'em Gosp-balls!
Um... not true. It's only 4 employees.
So this is for real, then? Egads.
Happy Inappropriate Card Day!
I can't wait for midterms to be over. I miss my daily dose of kitsch.
Hope all's well with you, Greg. :-)
For God so loved the world that he gave His children a mulligan in that sand trap on the 12th hole...
Nicklaus 3:16
reminds me of scripture tea (a good future post)
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